By Jacqueline Torres   “The Marvelous City,” Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, got a little bit more marvelous on World Car Free Day, September 22, 2009, as the municipal government and many residents traded cars for more sustainable transport. Fewer autos on the streets increased mobility throughout the city, as commute times diminished by as much…

Rio de Janeiro will celebrate International Car Free Day by prohibiting car parking in the city center and in municipal buildings, inaugurating a 30 km per hour zone in Copacabana, and raffling passes to its pilot public bicycle system. Along with local NGO partners and the municipal government, ITDP has been directly involved in the…

Sobre el artículo en Inglés: The article discusses the 3 main actors of parking policy and practice in Bogotá and their wrongdoings: Secretary of Mobility providing more free on-street parking (“parking bays”), users parking wherever they want, and the private parking “group” who establish irrational pricing policies. In the end there is a proposal on…

BOGOTÁ, Colombia — Like most thoroughfares in booming cities of the developing world, Bogotá’s Seventh Avenue resembles a noisy, exhaust-coated parking lot — a gluey tangle of cars and the rickety, smoke-puffing private minibuses that have long provided transportation for the masses. But a few blocks away, sleek red vehicles full of commuters speed down…

Celebrated Colombian urbanist and former mayor of Bogotá Enrique Peñalosa told a standing room audience of more than one hundred people at the San Francisco Public Library last night that San Francisco can be friendly to cars or to people, but not both. Further, he argued that there is no fundamental technical reason why streets…

As Senate lawmakers launch new efforts to curb the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, some key members have joined local transportation officials and environmentalists to ask a seemingly relevant question: Where’s the commitment to public transit? House lawmakers last month passed a proposal designed to tackle climate change by creating a cap-and-trade system to limit greenhouse…

[Radio Transcript] NEW YORK, NY June 18, 2009 —Say you’re standing on Second Avenue at rush hour, and you need to get downtown fast. You look uptown, at six lanes of traffic crawling along. Delivery trucks are double parked, bus drivers are waiting for a long line of passengers to board, and there is not…

Contrary to what many people thought Cali and the rest of the country, the mass transit system in the capital of Valle del Cauca, MIO, managed to overcome a series of obstacles that seemed insurmountable and began shooting. Amid much criticism Integrated Western Mass (MIO) met last June 7 100 days of operation, with projected…

Paralyzing traffic jams and severe air pollution are the most frequent answers when people are asked what they know about Jakarta. Motorized vehicle ownerships increase in line with a rise in income per capita. The more raises, the more cars and motorcycles are on roads. Motorized vehicle ownership is growing at 9 percent every year,…


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