Letter from the CEO: Escaping the Urban Poverty Trap – 4 | A New Standard for Transit-Oriented Development – 6 | BRT Brings More Bang for the Buck – 8 | The World’s Widest Avenue Gets a Transit Makeover – 10 | A New BRT in the Heart of China – 13 | Janette Sadik-Khan talks New York City’s Transport Renaissance – 16 |…

With technical assistance from ITDP India, the Corporation of Chennai has implemented the first kilometer of a planned 30 kms of new, pedestrian-friendly footpaths. The footpaths are part of the larger vision established through Our Cities Ourselves (OCO) Chennai, a collaborative visioning program to imagine and achieve a more livable, equitable, and sustainable future. The…

The city of Suwon, South Korea hosted the EcoMobility World Festival 2013, a month long event held in the Haenggung-dong neighborhood modeling a progressive, car-free environment. Fresh from the Festival, Suwon is making many changes permanent, such as wider sidewalks, cycle lanes, and bike rental stations. For these long term improvements, catalyzed by the Festival,…

Buenos Aires, the capital and largest city in Argentina with a population of three million, implemented several impressive sustainable transport projects in 2013. For its success promoting urban mobility, reducing emissions, and improving safety, Buenos Aires is a finalist for the 2014 Sustainable Transport Award. In 2013, the city launched two new corridors of their…

Lanzhou, China, a city of three million, a major transportation hub, and the capital of Gansu Province in Northwest China, is one of the four finalists for the 2014 Sustainable Transport Award. In 2013, Lanzhou implemented the second-highest capacity bus rapid transit (BRT) system in Asia, integrated Transit-oriented Development projects along the corridor, and is…

Sometimes, going small is the best way to have a big impact. That’s one reason ITDP China is working in Jiuquan, a city in north-western Gansu province with around 500,000 inhabitants and the home of China’s space launch program. ITDP’s work in China has largely focused on megacities such as Lanzhou, Yichang and Harbin; Jiuquan is the…

Compared with other national capitals around Asia, Vientiane, Laos is decidedly smaller, slower-paced, and more relaxed. The city sits along the quiet banks of the Mekong River and boasts dozens of large beautiful Buddhist temples as well as great bakeries – a remnant of its time as a French colony – that have all made Vientiane a…

A year after parking meters were implemented in Polanco, ITDP Mexico has evaluated the impact of this program on the neighborhood. Prior to system implementation, ITDP Mexico conducted a baseline study of the Polanco neighborhood in Mexico City. Data was compiled on the pre-meter situation to build a better foundation for post-implementation assessment. The preliminary…

A year after parking meters were implemented in Polanco, ITDP Mexico has evaluated the impact of this program on the neighborhood. Prior to system implementation, ITDP Mexico conducted a baseline study of the Polanco neighborhood in Mexico City. Data was compiled on the pre-meter situation to build a better foundation for post-implementation assessment. The preliminary…


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