As we all know by now, the New York State budget, released on April 1st, launched a major new traffic reduction policy, and a potential source of desperately-needed funds for modernizing the ancient NYC subway system. Congestion pricing, a system that charges a fee for cars entering the city center (in this case Manhattan below…

Congestion is an ongoing and well understood problem that plagues many cities India. Today in Mumbai there are more cars than before and due to increased traffic, buses are running slower than they did in previous years. Drops in bus ridership are easy to attribute to the decreased reliability due to increased traffic. While congestion…

Streets in Kenya serve different uses and modes; from people’s daily traverses to vendors hawking their wares for their pedestrian patrons, streets serve as formal and informal settings of daily life for millions of Kenyans. While the functions streets in Kenya are myriad, their design remains focused on one use – that of vehicles. Mombasa,…

George Town, a scenic Malaysian city on the island of Penang, is a culturally-significant and popular tourist destination. The city is a dense, beautiful collection of colonial-era and other historic, well-preserved architecture. Listed as a UNESCO World Culture Heritage site, George Town has long been an important center of trade in Penang, founded as an…

Bernardo has developed his professional career at ITDP since 2006 increasing urban accessibility in different cities in Latin America mainly through projects to improve Pedestrian and Cyclist Infrastructure, Bike Sharing, Road Safety, Mass transit and Parking Management. To achieve this, he has worked with diverse stakeholders such as governments, NGOs, Multilaterals and Private Sector in the…

As Senior Research Manager at the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) based in Washington, DC, Dana tracks trends in sustainable transportation and oversees a portfolio of strategic research focused primarily on cycling, bikeshare, and parking. She has led the development of key ITDP publications including the 2018 Bikeshare Planning Guide, Taming Traffic, and…


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