A Global High Shift Scenario
Source: ITDP and UC Davis
While a number of studies have focused on the effects on global warming pollution of more stringent standards for motor vehicle fuel economy, emissions of local air pollutants, and alternative fuels, this is the first study to examine how major changes in transport infrastructure and transit system investments world-wide would affect urban passenger transport emissions as well as mobility by different income groups. The findings of the study are relevant to three concurrent policy discussions by world leaders: how to manage climate change, how to advance equitable and environmentally sustainable economic and social development, and how to manage unprecedented urbanization. To make progress, the world needs to find ways to do all these things together. This report shows a way to do so.
The study, first released on the September 17, 2014 United Nations (UN) preparatory meeting for Habitat III, and discussed at events connected to the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit on September 23, 2014, contributes to concurrent discussions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recommended to the UN General Assembly. This includes an SDG focused on sustainable cities and human settlements with a key target for sustainable transportation.
Read a note from the author, ITDP Managing Director for Policy and Founder, Michael Replogle