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  • [WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility

    [WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility
    Wednesday, January 30, 2019 12pm EST Webinar Recording   More on the Indicators Indicators for Sustainable Mobility Presentation As Climate Change Escalates, US Cities Fail to Provide Car Alternatives   About the Webinar As cities seek to improve their transportation systems to make them more sustainable, equitable, and useful for people, it is critical that they first understand how their system performs.  To that ...
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  • ITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson

    ITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson
    We are pleased to announce the appointment of Heather Thompson as our new chief executive officer. Ms. Thompson, who has been serving in the role of interim CEO since February, was selected by the ITDP board of directors after an extensive, international search. Her transition to permanent CEO is ongoing, and will be effective October ...
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  • Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years

    Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years
    Bus rapid transit has grown by 383 percent in the last ten years, according to new data released by ITDP. As cities around the world discover the benefits and cost effectiveness of BRT, they have built hundreds of systems across dozens of countries that qualify as true BRT. A new interactive map shows a comprehesive ...
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  • ITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit

    ITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit
    As world leaders gather for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Summit on September 23rd, ITDP and the University of California, Davis, have released a new report on the impact of transportation emissions on our climate future. According to the new study, more than USD$100 trillion in cumulative public and private spending could be saved, and ...
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  • Pune’s Traffic Woes, Infrastructure Will Be Top Priority

    PUNE: Resolving the city’s traffic and transportation problems will be top priority for next two years with main focus on implementation of the metro rail project, MP Suresh Kalmadi said on Monday. Kalmadi visited The Times of India office on Monday and shared his views on the forthcoming elections and the city’s infrastructure development plan. “We are trying ...
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  • Cyclists in City Ask For More Pedal (India)

    MUMBAI: Why are bicycles, which don’t pollute, take up little space, are cheap and have virtually no maintenance cost, not a popular mode of travel in Mumbai? According to activists and cycling enthusiasts, the reasons are a mindset that favours motorised vehicles and a lack of infrastructure to promote cycling in the city. These were the two ...
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  • National Taxi Council to Be Probed (South Africa)

    The Department of Transport will probe the allocation of R2 million given to the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) the Saturday Star reported today. The department gave the council the funds in order to host national road shows to explain the Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) system to it’s members. According to the report, this was based ...
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  • Talks on IRT Run Into a Brick Wall (Cape Town)

    A communication breakdown between the City of Cape Town and the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) has crippled the consultation process around the Integrated Rapid Transport (IRT) system, with both parties admitting that talks may have run into a brick wall. Santaco said it was not consulted during the formulation of the project and that ...
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  • Bus Supplier Lowers its 2009 Sales Forecast as BRT Tenders Run Late in South Africa

    Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA) bus and coach divisional manager Jan Aichinger has lowered his forecast for the 2009 bus market from the 3 000 units he expected last year, to between 1 700 and 2 000 units. “The tenders for the various bus rapid transit (BRT) systems and government’s 2010 FIFA World Cup tender are running ...
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  • ‘Taxis’ Spark Road Rage in South Africa

    Reporting from Johannesburg, South Africa—“Suddenly a pair of bright headlights appeared around a corner. It was a taxi speeding directly towards us, on our side of the road.” Michelle Strydom, on the Facebook group Genoeg is Genoeg (Enough is Enough, in Afrikaans) “He collided with us head-on with such force that it shot his windscreen and ...
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  • Taxi Strikers Blackmail South Africa

    TAXI operators have threatened to bring the entire country to a halt with a strike lasting more than a week if their demands are not met. Bus commuters were beaten and at least one bus driver was shot yesterday before angry, striking taxi drivers and their bosses handed a list of their demands to the ANC ...
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  • Leader who transformed city from congested to ‘car free’ speaks about ‘Urban Happiness’ on April 3rd

    (Boulder, Colo.) – The man who is credited with transforming Bogotá, Colombia, from a congested, deteriorated city into one filled with sidewalks, bicycle paths, pedestrian streets, parks – and even a weekly “car free” day – will give a free afternoon talk in Boulder on Friday, April 3. Enrique Peñalosa, the former mayor of Bogotá, helped ...
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  • Taxi Drivers Call For Jeff Radebe’s Head

    By noon, the throng were waiting for officials from the Department of Transport and the African National Congress and intended handing over a memorandum of their grievances. A taxi driver said that busses were going to get a special traffic lane and that taxi’s would not be included. “In a bus you only have one driver, but ...
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  • Gauteng ‘Deplores’ Taxi Violence

    Discharging firearms, disrupting traffic and attacks on businesses were “completely unacceptable”, the office of Gauteng Premier Paul Mashatile said in a statement after a meeting of the executive council. “The programme to improve the transport system in Gauteng will not be delayed by these protests,” it read. “The process will go ahead as planned and as agreed ...
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