The City of Kisumu is experiencing rapid economic and population growth, resulting in high rates of urbanization and motorization. Conventional planning solutions have focused more on addressing the needs of motorists and neglecting the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and those taking public transport. Increasing reliance on private motorized mobility is making transport in Kisumu increasingly…

Looking toward a better 2021. With such a difficult year behind us, it feels impossible to make resolutions fearing they may jinx an already chaotic 2021, or perhaps delay the desired ‘return to normalcy.’ Personally it may feel impossible to make resolutions with so much still in flux. However, this past year has been a…

Innovations in data and technology in transportation have led to new forms of flexible, on-demand mobility and urban freight services. Such advances have also enabled better integration between urban transport modes and facilitated more predictable, environmentally-friendly, high-volume trips. Despite their high potential to facilitate integrated mobility, many of these technologies such as open data and…

Before joining the Institute for Transport Development and Policy ( ITDP), Eng. Shauri John worked as the Director of Operation and Infrastructure Management in the Dar Rapid Transit Agency (DART) from 2013 to 2018 focusing on the engagement of BRT service operators, monitoring the development of DART infrastructure to ensure conformity with the approved system…

Luc Nadal is a sustainable urban development expert, and formerly the Technical Director for Urban Development at ITDP. From 2005 to 2019, he founded and grew the ITDP’s Sustainable Urban Development program promoting pedestrian-transit malls in Dakar and Dar es Salaam, historic center revitalization in Sao Paulo, public space upgrades along BRT corridors in Guangzhou…

In a dialogue published in our annual newsletter, two ITDP Directors, Michael Kodransky and Bernardo Baranda, discuss their respective cities in terms of mobility growth, local policy, and how the coronavirus has affected movement of people. Michael Kodransky is the Director of ITDP US, the newest and rapidly expanding ITDP office, with offices in Boston…

Every year, the Sustainable Transport Award is given to a city that has implemented innovative sustainable transportation projects to improve mobility, reduce air pollution and greenhouse emissions, and advance safety and access for pedestrians and cyclists. Pune has been awarded the Sustainable Transport Award 2020, making it the second Indian city to receive this award…

Before the pandemic hit, there was growing momentum in cities around the world for a host of traffic reduction measures. Congestion pricing was finally front-and-center on the agenda of cities from New York to Mumbai; Los Angeles launched planning efforts for a low-emissions zone; and major cities such as Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro…

We have long known that our cities are in the midst of a global air quality crisis. According to the World Health Organization, 80 percent of urban residents are breathing air that does not meet standards for health, with middle- and low-income nations suffering from the highest exposures. We already knew that exposure to toxic air…


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