In the beginning of 2019, the City of Rio de Janeiro approved new building codes to restrict off-street parking and promote non-motorized transport by removing parking minimums, making Rio the first Brazilian city to pass parking legislation. This ruling comes after years of advocacy by ITDP Brazil, such as the 2017 study on Rio de…

ITDP has been working to reform parking policies worldwide for over a decade as a way to shift cities toward sustainable transport. In July 2017, Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera announced changes in the construction code that would curtail the development of further off-street parking development. The new norm changes minimum parking requirements to…

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  Due to the earthquake in Mexico, we have rescheduled this webinar.  The new date and time is: Thursday, October 26, 2017 10am (CDMX time).   About the Webinar ITDP has been working to reform parking policies worldwide for over a decade as a way to shift cities toward sustainable transport. In July 2017, Mexico…

This post is available in Spanish on ITDP Mexico’s website here.  On July 11, Miguel Ángel Mancera, Mayor of Mexico City announced the “limitation of parking spaces in the city construction code”. This new norm changes minimum parking requirements to maximum depending on the land use of the construction. This puts Mexico City, the largest…

With numerous metropolitan regions in the U.S. facing affordable housing issues, some cities are tackling the issue by revising off-street parking requirements, which, in their current form, contribute to the increasing costs of housing. In February, the New York City the Department of City Planning proposed to eliminate mandatory parking requirements for certain housing types within a…

How a city manages its parking has a huge influence on other facets of city life, from transit access to public spaces. In a recent study commissioned by USAID, ITDP and consultants SARECO and GIDE assessed Kiev’s on-street parking problem and recommended ways to improve the city’s parking management system. The overarching message is clear:…


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