Tuesday, May 31, 2011   The public, government officials, and members of the press gathered this morning in the neighborhood of Palermo for the inauguration of the country’s first bus rapid transit system, Metrobús.  Mayor of Buenos Aires Mauricio Macri, who was accompanied by City Transportation Secretary Guillermo Dietrich, spoke about the benefits that the…

A new independent study, issued by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy rates Los Angeles, Cleveland, Las Vegas, Eugene and Pittsburgh as the nation’s leading cities for bus-based transportation because of their high-quality bus rapid transit systems (BRT). BRT combines the flexibility of buses with the speed and priority of light rail, but at…

The transportation system in the United States has often been dominated by a particular mode. A century ago it was rail; in the last several decades it  has been the automobile. Over time we have come to learn that while various modes have a tremendous impact on the shape of our communities, the movement of goods,…

The transportation system in the United States has often been dominated by a particular mode. A century ago it was rail; in the last several decades it  has been the automobile. Over time we have come to learn that while various modes have a tremendous impact on the shape of our communities, the movement of goods,…

            Guangzhou won the Sustainable Transportation Award this year for its transportation innovations, including a new Bus Rapid Transit system that goes beyond “gold standard” BRT features such as dedicated running ways, pre-board fare collection and at-level platform boarding and provides direct service buses, stations and a fare system that is fully…

By Bradley Schroeder There are two ways to evaluate a conference. First is by the number of attendees; the amount of mindless masses you can get into a room who are answering emails or Skypeing with friends instead of paying attention to the guy who probably just finished his presentation 5 minutes before the session….

From public bike systems to BRT to integrated mass transit solutions – all of the 2011 Sustainable Transport Award-nominated cities are exemplars in implementing integrated transport solutions. Over the next week, we will cover profiles of the nominated cities – Guangzhou, León, Lima, Nantes, and Tehran – leading up to the presentation of the Sustainable…

By Michael Replogle, Vice-Director, Global Policy Will the failure to secure a comprehensive global climate agreement lead the way to smarter infrastructure and urban development? That’s a question some observers were asking today in at the ongoing global climate summit. When addressing civil society this weekend at the meeting in Cancun, the Mexican Ambassador Luis…

Contrary to what many people thought Cali and the rest of the country, the mass transit system in the capital of Valle del Cauca, MIO, managed to overcome a series of obstacles that seemed insurmountable and began shooting. Amid much criticism Integrated Western Mass (MIO) met last June 7 100 days of operation, with projected…


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