The Transoeste Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line in Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone is not only an internationally recognized gold-standard BRT in and of itself, it is also the first of four major gold-standard BRT corridors to be built in the city. When all corridors are built, the city will have a network of more…

The Transoeste Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line in Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone is not only an internationally recognized gold-standard BRT in and of itself, it is also the first of four major gold-standard BRT corridors to be built in the city. When all corridors are built, the city will have a network of more…

Letter from the CEO: Escaping the Urban Poverty Trap – 4 | A New Standard for Transit-Oriented Development – 6 | BRT Brings More Bang for the Buck – 8 | The World’s Widest Avenue Gets a Transit Makeover – 10 | A New BRT in the Heart of China – 13 | Janette Sadik-Khan talks New York City’s Transport Renaissance – 16 |…

Letter from the CEO: Escaping the Urban Poverty Trap – 4 | A New Standard for Transit-Oriented Development – 6 | BRT Brings More Bang for the Buck – 8 | The World’s Widest Avenue Gets a Transit Makeover – 10 | A New BRT in the Heart of China – 13 | Janette Sadik-Khan talks New York City’s Transport Renaissance – 16 |…

The past year has seen sustainable transport flourish, with programs like New York Citibike receiving widespread attention. ITDP has worked with dozens of cities around the world to take steps toward building a better environment for their citizens, and millions of residents are feeling the benefits. From public transportation projects to large-scale non-motorized transit programs…

The City of Indore is a major commercial hub and the largest city in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Like many Indian cities, Indore is facing a growing population, increasing congestion, and environmental degradation due to ever-higher vehicle use. To address these issues, in 2013 Indore launched iBus, the second true BRT corridor in…

The wheels are in motion for a big change in Nairobi’s transportation network. Currently, despite only 15 percent of the city’s 3 million residents driving to work, chronic congestion paralyzes the city every day, causing commute times over an hour for many residents. The most popular mass transit option, the matatu minibuses, aren’t enough to…

With the rapid rise of bike share systems across the world, ITDP today released the first comprehensive guide to planning a bike share system, addressing the key components of how to build a high quality bike share. The Guide, accessible to industry professionals as well as anyone interested in biking, identifies techniques and practices for planning…

The 3rd Annual Real Estate Guide (REG) Summit, The Global Forum on the Future of Sustainable Urban Development, took place in Guangzhou, China on November 15th. The event brings together many of China’s largest developers, providing an opportunity to share techniques and direct trends in China’s urban growth. As with the past years, ITDP co-organized…


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