Bernardo has developed his professional career at ITDP since 2006 increasing urban accessibility in different cities in Latin America mainly through projects to improve Pedestrian and Cyclist Infrastructure, Bike Sharing, Road Safety, Mass transit and Parking Management. To achieve this, he has worked with diverse stakeholders such as governments, NGOs, Multilaterals and Private Sector in the…

Chris joined the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy as a full-time staff member in 2008 after being involved as a consultant since 2004, focusing on transport projects in Africa and India. In Cape Town, Accra, and Johannesburg, he assessed the impacts of proposed BRT systems on greenhouse gas emissions. More recently, Chris has been…

Fortaleza has shown the impact that small, low-cost interventions can have on quality of life. Pedestrian improvements such as this raised crosswalk massively improve pedestrian safety and access to the streets.  Photo: Fortaleza City Hall by Clarisse Cunha Linke, ITDP Brazil The capital of Ceará sees traffic fatalities drop to the lowest level in 15 years…

Wednesday, December 5, 2018 11am EST   Webinar Recording   Presentation Slides BRT Planning 701: Technology   About the Webinar The last installment of the BRT Planning Guide Webinar series will present key recommendations for ITS design for BRT Operations for transport officials and public administrations. With the integration of “smart city” technologies in BRT…


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