These posters were made for a workshop on Transit Oriented Development in India in March 2013, and are illustrations of ITDP’s Eight Principles for Transport in Urban Life. They include photos and descriptions of the various objectives and metrics of the eight principles, such as Walk, Cycle, Connect, and Transit. Download this poster series Source:…
Location: Global
To promote the discussion of sustainable transit in advance of the Rio+20 Conference, this paper provides an analysis of the role of transport as a contributor to global climate concerns and as an opportunity to reduce emissions through a shift toward sustainable transport options. In the next 20 years the world will see massive growth in demand…
An issue paper discussing the role of transport in preparation for the RIo+20 Summit. The paper discusses the benefits of an “Avoid – Shift – Improve” mentatlity, and articualtes the need for transportation to be addressed directrly by the international community, rather than as a component of other issues. Transport is a key sector for sustainable…
From the 1940s to the 1960s, U.S. cities lost population and economic investment to suburban locations. To compete, many cities built urban highways, hoping to offer motorists the same amenities they enjoyed in the suburbs. Whatever their benefits, these highways often had adverse impacts on urban communities. Many cities in Latin America, following the Unites States’…
Better Streets, Better Cities: a Guide to Street Design in Urban India illustrates ways that good design can help create safer streets and more livable public spaces. The guide was prepared by ITDP in collaboration with the Ahmedabad-based Environmental Planning Collaborative. Current street design practice in India is often based on a vision of high-speed…
In advance of the Rio+ 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, world leaders, agencies, experts, NGOs, businesses, and citizens of the world are preparing to take action to address the growing threat of climate change. ITDP is working with our partners to lay the groundwork for sustainable urban transportation to be prominently on the agenda….
ITDP helped draft these recommendations with SLoCaT and submitted it to the UN for consideration as part of the “zero” draft of the agreement to be negotiated at Rio+20 (the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio, 2012). These recommendations have been endorsed by 20+ organizations around the world.
Livable today, sustainable for the future. The principles outlined here will help cities significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving the quality of life. Citizens of the world do not want to sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. They do not want to walk in mud, not feel threatened on a simple bike ride to work. They want to…
The transportation system in the United States has often been dominated by a particular mode. A century ago it was rail; in the last several decades it has been the automobile. Over time we have come to learn that while various modes have a tremendous impact on the shape of our communities, the movement of goods,…