Location: Global

In 2000, at the UN Millennium Summit, governments committed themselves to cutting the number of people in poverty in half by 2015. This is to be achieved through eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with specific, measurable targets, all of them addressing poverty alleviation. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) do not include any specific goals or targets…

Les instructions pour le “California Bike”. Le California Bike Coalition de ITDP est une initiative qui cherche à apporter des vélos abordables et de haute qualité aux ménages rurales africains. Le programme utilise des velos pour repondre à les problems avec la mobilité, la santé et l’accès de l’emploi, les compétences et l’éducation.

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While the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) do not specifically make reference to transportation issues, transportation projects and programs have an enormous impact on both the poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability goals. Transportation issues are dealt with directly in Agenda 21, the Global Plan of Action for Habitat II, and the proceedings of the Commission for Sustainable Development #9, and in…

An increasing number of cities are looking at Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) as a lower cost alternative to meeting their mass transit needs. Less fully explored, however, has been the link between BRT and the implementation of transit system regulatory reforms. In a growing number of cities around the world, the introduction of a BRT system has also…

The social costs and benefits of road transport have traditionally been incorporated partially into economic appraisal, partially into social impact assessments and environmental impact assessments, and sometimes are dealt with in a section identifying the project’s intended beneficiaries. This paper first evaluates current practice in terms of how these types of evaluation are conducted and relate to one another,…

Streets are much more than thoroughfares for cars and trucks. Particularly in poor neighborhoods, they serve walkers, cyclists, and provide recreational opportunities for children. What’s more, streets are often the most common place for neighbors to meet and converse, providing vital social and civic functions.

The Sourcebook on Sustainable Urban Transport addresses the key areas of sustainable transport policy framework for a developing city. It is intended for policy-makers in developing cities, and their advisors. This target audience is reflected in the context, which provides policy tools appropriate for application in a range of developing cities. The Sourcebook consists of 30 modules and was…

Legislative Tools for Preserving Town Centres and Halting the Spread of Hypermarkets and Malls Outside of Cities:  Land Use Legislation and Controls of Conflicts of Interest in Land Use Decision Making Throughout Europe, the past few decades have been characterized by retail sprawl — the spread of hypermarkets and of large shopping malls outside of city centers, undermining the…


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