About Parking reform is gaining momentum around the world as a key lever to reallocate valuable city space, reduce demand for driving, reduce transport-related emissions, and improve livability. Bringing the supply of parking, especially off-street parking, closer to actual demand is crucial to creating more compact cities that are needed to limit global warming. The…
Location: Beijing
About It is well known that there persists a gender gap in cycling that prevents women from choosing cycling as a primary transport mode in many regions of the world, whether it is due to personal safety concerns, economic factors, or lack of basic infrastructure. Through the global Cycling Cities campaign and the work of…
Many of the world’s most important cities are expanding rapidly without adequate transportation planning. People Near Rapid Transit (PNT) measures the number of residents in a city who live within a short walking distance (1 km) of high-quality rapid transit. This is a good way to estimate accessibility and rapid transit coverage in large…
Increased car ownership in Beijing has resulted in a higher demand for parking spaces. Rather than taking a restrictive approach to parking as a means to reduce car travel and ownership, the government is trying to increase parking supply in an effort to solve parking problems. Simply increasing parking supply is not a solution as it leads to more traffic and…