Location: Africa

Many of the world’s most important cities are expanding rapidly without adequate transportation planning. People Near Rapid Transit (PNT) measures the number of residents in a city who live within a short walking distance (1 km) of high-quality rapid transit. This is a good way to estimate accessibility and rapid transit coverage in large cities….

Letter from the CEO: Putting Pedestrians First Healthy, Equitable, Environmental Cities Transforming Our World with New Sustainable Development Goals In Yichang, China, A New BRT Connects the City A Sustainable Smart Future: New Transport Investments Tool Shows Indian Cities the Way Forward Changing Direction: Walking and Cycling in African Cities How to Enjoy the City…

The Ndovu/A104 BRT project in Nairobi is currently on a trajectory to become a world‐class BRT project. The highest quality BRT systems are designed around a good service plan. A service plan determines where the BRT routes will go, how big stations will need to be, and how many passengers a BRT system will attract….

In developing countries, well over two-thirds of traffic accident injuries are suffered by pedestrians, of which one-third are children. Across the globe, dangerous traffic puts children at risk. With Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS), communities give children what they deserve: safe access to education. Safe Routes to School is a process that empowers community members to create safer…

Effective parking management will be a critical component of the success of Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit (DART). This chapter presents recommendations for reforming parking policies in the city centre to reflect the arrival of DART. The conclusions are based on an extensive survey of parking supply and occupancy in the city centre; interviews with staff from the City…

In as complex an urban environment as central Dar es Salaam, streets have multiple functions. They allow cars, daladalas and other vehicles to access buildings and pass through the centre. They allow trucks to make deliveries. They provide space for parking and loading. They are the places where people walk. And streets provide some of the city centre’s few open spaces – places for…

Proposals for the design of the fare collection system for the Dar es Salaam BRT. The proposed design consists of a Manual System, which can be enhanced with an Automatic System. The Manual System consists of a staff of cashiers at stations and conductors at feeder buses charging fares and controlling access to the BRT. At the back…

Like in most countries of sub-saharan Africa, child mortality, maternal death and HIV/Aids are the main medical health problems in Ghana. Health problems are commonly bigger in rural areas, where nearly 60% of the countries population is living. The data, presented is from both statistical analysis and actual information given in the high level interviews. In view of…

A report on current situation in the health sector of Senegal and possible roles for non-motorised transport interventions. This is a preliminary study investigating the medical and structural problems with rural health care in Senegal and exploring options for improving the system. While bicycles would address many of the community’s needs, specific environmental and cultural preconditions in…


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