ITDP’s publications support our work implementing sustainable urban development around the world. ITDP produces a range of materials for use by governments, industry professionals, and the public. Our work includes establishing industry standards, highlighting best practices, producing reports and recommendations on specific policies and projects, and raising awareness through informational articles and multimedia. Our work provides the tools for local actors to design and advocate for progressive transport solutions. Use the search bar below, or browse by publication type on the right.

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Recent Publications

  • [WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility

    [WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility
    Wednesday, January 30, 2019 12pm EST Webinar Recording   More on the Indicators Indicators for Sustainable Mobility Presentation As Climate Change Escalates, US Cities Fail to Provide Car Alternatives   About the Webinar As cities seek to improve their transportation systems to make them more sustainable, equitable, and useful for people, it is critical that they first understand how their system performs.  To that ...
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  • ITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson

    ITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson
    We are pleased to announce the appointment of Heather Thompson as our new chief executive officer. Ms. Thompson, who has been serving in the role of interim CEO since February, was selected by the ITDP board of directors after an extensive, international search. Her transition to permanent CEO is ongoing, and will be effective October ...
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  • Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years

    Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years
    Bus rapid transit has grown by 383 percent in the last ten years, according to new data released by ITDP. As cities around the world discover the benefits and cost effectiveness of BRT, they have built hundreds of systems across dozens of countries that qualify as true BRT. A new interactive map shows a comprehesive ...
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  • ITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit

    ITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit
    As world leaders gather for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Summit on September 23rd, ITDP and the University of California, Davis, have released a new report on the impact of transportation emissions on our climate future. According to the new study, more than USD$100 trillion in cumulative public and private spending could be saved, and ...
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  • From New York to Mumbai, Congestion Pricing is Finally on the Agenda

    From New York to Mumbai, Congestion Pricing is Finally on the Agenda
    As we all know by now, the New York State budget, released on April 1st, launched a major new traffic reduction policy, and a potential source of desperately-needed funds for modernizing the ancient NYC subway system. Congestion pricing, a system that charges a fee for cars entering the city center (in this case Manhattan below ...
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  • [WEBINAR] Jakarta’s Urban Villages: A Community Based Approach to Urban Mobility

    [WEBINAR] Jakarta's Urban Villages: A Community Based Approach to Urban Mobility
      April 23, 20199am EST   Webinar Recording   Webinar Presentation Jakarta Community Approach & Mobility   About the Webinar In Indonesia, a kampung kota (urban village) is a compact, mixed-use neighborhood within the larger city. These neighborhoods, made up of everyday working people, are often overrun by motorcyclists as a shortcut to reach their destinations, disrupting sidewalks and the local environment. If ...
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  • Amid Traffic and Air Pollution, Congestion Pricing Gains Momentum in Mumbai

    Amid Traffic and Air Pollution, Congestion Pricing Gains Momentum in Mumbai
    Congestion is an ongoing and well understood problem that plagues many cities India. Today in Mumbai there are more cars than before and due to increased traffic, buses are running slower than they did in previous years. Drops in bus ridership are easy to attribute to the decreased reliability due to increased traffic. While congestion ...
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  • Along Kenya’s Coast, Streets Maneuver to Accommodate More than Just Cars

    Along Kenya’s Coast, Streets Maneuver to Accommodate More than Just Cars
    Streets in Kenya serve different uses and modes; from people’s daily traverses to vendors hawking their wares for their pedestrian patrons, streets serve as formal and informal settings of daily life for millions of Kenyans. While the functions streets in Kenya are myriad, their design remains focused on one use – that of vehicles. Mombasa, Kenya’s ...
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  • A salvation or a pestilence for cities? A New Guide for Regulating Uber, Lyft, and other TNCs

    A salvation or a pestilence for cities? A New Guide for Regulating Uber, Lyft, and other TNCs
    What is a TNC? A TNC is a Transportation Network Company, defined as a digital application that matches potential riders with drivers in real time. Popular TNCs include Uber, Lyft, DiDi, Taxify, among many others. While TNCs have existed for over a decade, cities are still grappling with how to regulate them within a larger infrastructural, ...
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  • In Cairo, ITDP Works to Improve Transport Access for Women

    In Cairo, ITDP Works to Improve Transport Access for Women
      By Nour El Deeb, ITDP Africa “I leave home at 5:30 a.m. and arrive at 8 a.m. I take first a tok-tok for 5 EGP from the tunnel to Al -Khalafawy bus station. I wait 15 to 20 minutes for the bus to come. If the bus does not show up, I ride another taxi or ...
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  • [WEBINAR] Ride Fair: A Policy Framework for Managing TNCs

    [WEBINAR] Ride Fair: A Policy Framework for Managing TNCs
    Friday, March 22, 2019 12pm EST Webinar Recording More on TNCs TNC Webinar Presentation Slides (Dana Yanocha) TNC Webinar Presentation Slides (Laura Ballesteros) Ridesharing – a salvation or a pestilence for cities? A New Guide for Regulating Transportation Network Companies About the Webinar The rapid pace of change in transport demands brought about by transportation network companies (TNCs) like Uber, Lyft and Didi, ...
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  • Highlighting Women’s Contribution to Transportation on International Women’s Day

    Highlighting Women's Contribution to Transportation on International Women's Day
    How do we make cities better for all of their residents, including women? Not all design is universal and the divergence across genders needs to be considered in creating design that is equitable and just for all. While women make up 51% of the population, they make up an even larger portion of transit users. Despite ...
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  • George Town Could Become a Malaysian Best Practice in Transport

    George Town Could Become a Malaysian Best Practice in Transport
    George Town, a scenic Malaysian city on the island of Penang, is a culturally-significant and popular tourist destination. The city is a dense, beautiful collection of colonial-era and other historic, well-preserved architecture. Listed as a UNESCO World Culture Heritage site, George Town has long been an important center of trade in Penang, founded as an ...
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  • Nominate Your City for the 2020 Sustainable Transport Award

    Nominate Your City for the 2020 Sustainable Transport Award
    ITDP, together with an international committee of development and transport experts, invites you to nominate your city for the Sustainable Transport Award.   Nominations accepted March 1st-31st, 2019 at Does your city deserve more recognition for new transport, street design, or policy improvements that increase mobility and improve quality of life for your residents? The Sustainable Transport ...
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