October 24, 2019
ITDP Announces New SE Asia Director Faela Sufa
Faela Sufa, Deputy Director at ITDP Indonesia since 2013, has been named Southeast Asia Director. She replaces Yoga Adiwinarto, who has moved on to a position with Jakarta’s transit agency, Transjakarta.
As ITDP Indonesia’s Deputy Director since 2013, Faela has brought deep technical knowledge of and extensive experience in Southeast Asia and globally. Under her leadership, ITDP Indonesia is well-placed to continue their successes in transforming the lives of Jakarta’s transit users, cyclists, and pedestrians, and replicate these throughout the SE Asia region.
Working with ITDP, Transjakarta continues to add about 10 new routes every month, and is planning integration with the new metro line, as well as a full corridor of electric buses.
ITDP CEO Heather Thompson explained, “This decision is the result of discussions with members of our Board of Directors, the ITDP senior management team, and follows strong recommendations from many of our partners and stakeholders in the field. With Faela’s leadership, technical background, and relationships at all levels, I am confident that the Indonesia team is in good hands and that they will continue to flourish, delivering tangible results on the ground.”
Thanks to a partnership with Jakarta’s progressive Governor, Anies Baswedan, the city is poised to take on more sustainable mobility practices, moving ITDP to continue the momentum of its work in Jakarta. Transjakarta is the oldest BRT in Southeast Asia, and the longest in the world at 244 km, and has more than doubled daily ridership to more than 900,000 with a series of improvements recommended by ITDP Indonesia. These include improved integration with bus, metro, and light rail, major improvements to service, and last mile options with improved walking and cycling infrastructure. Working with ITDP, Transjakarta continues to add about 10 new routes every month, is integrated with the city’s new metro line, and is planning a full corridor of electric buses. Under Faela’s leadership, ITDP Indonesia will continue to move these projects forward, and work to replicate these successes in the region, with ongoing work throughout Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia.
Faela holds a Master’s degree in transport planning and engineering from the University of Leeds, UK, and a Bachelor from Indonesia’s Gadjah Mada University. Prior to joining ITDP, she worked as a transport planner at Mott MacDonald in Birmingham, UK. Faela has been serving as Interim Country Director since August, as the former country director, Yoga Adiwinarto, moved on to work for the city of Jakarta’s transit agency, Transjakarta. With Yoga, she oversaw major growth of the Indonesia program, which went from a staff of four to 20, while operations expanded to multiple cities in Indonesia and the region.