Jemilah Magnusson
Global Communications Director
Institute for Transportation & Development Policy
9 East 19th Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: + 1 646 380 2357
Email: [email protected]
Our Issues
ITDP staff include experts on a number of key issues in urban development. Our staff are available to speak about the following topics:
- Bus Rapid Transit: an increasingly popular, and often mischaracterized, mode of public transit, ITDP has established itself as a lead advocate for high-quality BRT worldwide.
- Transit-oriented Development: ITDP has developed strong definitions and metrics to evaluate and promote compact, higher density, mixed-use, walkable developments near transit. ITDP has experience promoting TOD in both developing and developed urban settings.
- Bike-share: Using data from bike-share systems around the world, ITDP has evaluated what makes a successful system and can speak to bike-share planning and design, business and financial models, and global trends.
- Cycling and Walking Infrastructure: ITDP works to place greater emphasis on non-motorized transport. ITDP can speak to proper bike lane design, the needs of pedestrians, and the important of assuring safe and equitable transport for all.
- Global Transport Policy: ITDP is an active participant in international discussions on climate and transport policy (e.g. GEF, Rio +20) and can speak to trends in the field and the importance of including sustainable transport in the global conversation.
- Parking Reform: ITDP has studied the effects of better managing on street parking and reducing off street parking, and advocated for the incorporation of land use regulations and parking policy reform in many cities around the world.
- Travel Demand Management: ITDP advocates for the implementation of travel demand management schemes, such as congestion pricing, the use of smarter travel schemes, and slow zones, and can speak to their benefits and effectiveness.
- Where We Work: With eight field offices around the world, ITDP has worked in over 25 countries and more than 100 cities. We are available to speak about transportation and development in all these cities and regions.
Press Releases
- May 17, 2018, New York City – New Report: As Dockless Bikeshare Systems Proliferate Around the Globe, Local Governments Must Organize the Chaos—Commuters Need Connections, Not Disruptions
- June 30, 2017, New York City – Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Wins Sustainable Transport Award
- May 3, 2017, New York City – New Report: 80% cut in CO2 emissions if cars and other light vehicles follow 3 revolutions: automation, electrification, and, most importantly, ride sharing
- March 15, 2017, New York City – Nominate Your City for the 2018 Sustainable Transport Award
- March 14, 2017, Santiago, Chile – Elite International Sustainable Transport and Development Summit to Feature Santiago, Chile [english] [español]
- June 27, 2016, New York City – Santiago, Chile to Win 2017 Sustainable Transport Award – Windhoek, Namibia and Curitiba, Brazil to receive Honorable Mention
- January 2016, Washington, DC – Yichang, China Wins Sustainable Transport Award – Moscow, Rosario receive Honorable Mention
- November 12, 2015, New York City – A Global High Shift Cycling Scenario: Cycling Could Save Cities $25 Trillion and 10% of Transport CO2 Emissions by 2050
- October 5, 2015, New York City – ITDP Announces New CEO Clayton Lane
- January 13, 2015, Washington, DC – Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo Win 2015 Sustainable Transport Award
- January 5, 2015, New York City – ITDP Announces Resignation of CEO Walter Hook
- November 18, 2014, New York City – Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years
- September 17, 2014, New York City – New Study: Global Shift from Cars to Mass Transit Can Save More than US$100 Trillion, Eliminate 1,700 Megatons of CO2 Pollution by 2050
- April 10, 2014, Medellin, Colombia – TOD Scoring Release – Global Survey and Interactive Map Score Urban Developments That Embrace Low-Emission Transportation
- January 14, 2014, Washington, D.C. – Buenos Aires, Argentina Wins 2014 Sustainable Transport Award; Lanzhou, China; Indore, India; Suwon, South Korea Honorable Mentions
- December 5, 2013, New York City – Seven World-Class Cities Are Riding Tall in Bike-Share Boom: ITDP Releases Bike Share Planning Guide
- November 21, 2013, New York City – Urban Developments in Beijing, London, Mexico City Set New Standards as Real Estate Developers Increase Human Footprints and Lower Carbon Footprints
- November 1, 2013, New York City – New Report Calls on GEF to Prioritize Transport in GEF-6 to Support Sustainable Development and Climate Change Progress
- September 24, 2013, New York City – New Report Details How Mass Transportation Generates Economic Development
- June 24, 2013, New York City – A Year After Rio+20
- June 17, 2013, New York City – Nominate Your City for the 2014 Sustainable Transport Award
- March 12, 2013, New York City – New BRT Standard 2013 Awards Gold, Silver, Bronze, and basic Certifications to Cities Worldwide