Mega Primatama
Urban Planning Associate II
Mega Primatama, also known as Mega, earned his first college degree from the Architecture department in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya and continued studying MSc Building and Urban Design in Development at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit of University College London in 2016. Afterwards, he worked as an architect before joining ITDP in April 2021.
Driven by his interest in urban transport and the concern of car-centric cities in Indonesia, he assists works in active mobility fields in Indonesia’s urban areas, mainly on walking and cycling infrastructures in Jakarta and Medan at sectors such as inclusive mobility, cycling network, bike sharing system, and accessibility improvement for pedestrians and cyclists along the public transit corridors. Outside office hours, he is interested in trains, city-building games, culinary experience, travelling, and music.