Welcome to ITPD Photo Index

How does it work?

Select all the combined words for the term you’re looking for. For example, to look for “bus rapid transit”, select the three following words “bus”, “rapid”, “transit”. If you’re looking for “cyclists at intersections”, select both “cyclist” and “intersection”.

Doubts and/or suggestions please e-mail thais.lima@itdp.org

Pedestrian Crossing     Piping inside Station     IMG_0008     Rolling Bar on station     CT - Route map inside the bus     CT - Station Door     IMG_0030     IMG_0012     IMG-20120704-00793     IMG_0014     IMG-20120702-00704     IMG-20120702-00708     IMG-20120702-00712     IMG-20120702-00727     IMG-20120702-00732     IMG-20120702-00735     IMG-20120702-00761     Special Wheelchair access     IMG_9164     Station Design 3     Station Design     


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