Welcome to ITPD Photo Index

How does it work?

Select all the combined words for the term you’re looking for. For example, to look for “bus rapid transit”, select the three following words “bus”, “rapid”, “transit”. If you’re looking for “cyclists at intersections”, select both “cyclist” and “intersection”.

Doubts and/or suggestions please e-mail thais.lima@itdp.org

Countdown signals_UB_April2011_MK     No foot path, no pedestrian crossing_UB_April2011_MK     Cycling in Sukhabataar Square 3_UB_April2011_MK     Cycling in Sukhabataar Square_UB_April2011_MK     Cycling in Sukhabataar Square 4_UB_April2011_MK     Cycling in Sukhabataar Square 5_UB_April2011_MK     Crossing Peace Avenue on 1st BRT corridor_UB_April2011_MK     Parking cluttering frontage of National Opera House_UB_April2011_MK     Parking near entrance to 1960s building in pedestrian path_UB_April2011_MK     Parking in pedestrian path of courtyard area_UB_April2011_UM     Parking in landscaped area - now dirt_UB_April2011_MK     Suburban style parking in courtyard along 1st BRT corridor_UB_April2011_MK     Electric bus along 1st BRT corridor_UB_April2011_MK     Setback parking in front of new developments along 1st BRT corridor_UB_April2011_MK     Setback parking in front of supermarket_UB_April2011_MK     Bus riders_UB_April2011_MK     Cars wedging into parking spaces that are full_UB_April2011_MK     Elbow intersection missing pedestrian crossing_UB_April2011_MK     Traffic jam near pedestrian street where place of parking is unclear_UB_April2011_MK     Perpendicular parking 2_UB_April2011_UB     Poor walking environments_UB_April2011_UB     


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