urban data
April 20 – 21, 2017
555 California Street,
San Francisco, CA

Click here to RSVP

The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), in collaboration with the Partnership for Sustainable, Low-carbon Transport (SLoCaT), is hosting the first Mobility Analytics Partnership (MAP) symposium on data for the public good. The recent explosion of urban data has the ability to reshape our understanding of how cities function and empower better decision making through new indicators and analysis. However, we can only do this if we are able to use this data to answer the critical questions cities are asking.

This Symposium will convene leading experts from the private and public sectors to look how cities can use data for decision making. At this invite-only event, we will explore how to unlock answers from new urban data in ways that are beneficial to all parties, public and private.
Logistics | Agenda | Attendees


If you haven’t yet registered, please do so as soon as possible at itdp.org/map. The password is mapdata.

Meeting Location:
The meeting will be in the heart of San Francisco at 555 California Street. A map of the location of the building can be found here. Please note you will need to bring a government issued photo ID and check in on the ground floor in the lobby. There, you will be given a name badge and ushered up to the Microsoft Suite on the 2nd Floor. At that point, you will need to let the receptionist know you are there for the Better Data for Better Cities Symposium. Please allow for 5-10 minutes to complete the building registration process.

Registration and breakfast will be available from 8:30 am to 9:00 am. The symposium will begin at 9:00 am. Breakfast and lunch will be provided both days.

Dinner Thursday:
Everyone is invited to dinner on Thursday night (April 20), so that we can continue the conversation. Please let us know if you will not be attending so we can have an accurate number for the reservation. Dinner will be from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Bridget Burns at bridget.burns@itdp.org or at +1 212 629 8001.


(The agenda is subject to change. Check back for updates.)


Welcome & Keynote: Better Cities Through New Data

Heather Thompson (ITDP Board President)
Eugenio Riverall (SinTráfico CEO)



The keynote will provide a sweeping overview of the current situation and the potential for better. It will touch on how decision are currently made in cities (ad hoc, politically driven, and heavily focused on the short term), and how better information could support more evidence based decisions with better long-term results. The talk will discuss the shift from government controlled data to private-controlled data and the current difficulty in using the wealth of private data for public good. It will discuss the difficulties of making connections between public and private sector, of working with immense data sets, and of translating data into usable information for decisions.

Morning Workshop: Needs & Limitations: A Frank Conversation w/ Public & Private Sector


The morning workshop will be an upfront conversation about the information that city leaders need to make better decisions and the limitations that private sector groups face in sharing information. Panelists from both public and private sector will present their perspective on data needs, potential, and limitations. In breakout groups, the conversation will move to greater detail, to discuss in detail the needs, challenges, strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats associated with public and private sector interests. Finally, the groups will report back to the full room with a summary of their discussions.

10:00 – 10:45a | 5 minute Presentations + Panel discussion #1  MODERATOR: Mariko Davidson (Microsoft)

10:45 – 11:00a | Coffee/Tea

11:00 – 11:45a | 5 minute Presentations + Panel discussion #2 – MODERATOR: Heather Thompson (ITDP)

11:45 – 12:45p | Breakout group discussion

12:45 – 1:15p   | Report back from breakouts



Afternoon Workshop: Data Analysis & Solutions – Bridging the Gap


In the afternoon workshop, a panel of researchers will present new means of accessing answers to key questions that cities have. This includes new ways of analyzing large data sets, new means of accessing answers from secure datasets, and new ways of combining datasets to arrive at more detailed information. Following the panel, breakout groups will discuss ways of applying these tools to specific problems. Each breakout group will present a brainstorm a list of the top 3 ways that the tools described could apply to a problem identified by the public sector. The groups will report back to the full room to summarize the discussions.

2:45 – 3:30p | 5 minute Presentations + Panel discussion – MODERATOR: Jacob Mason (ITDP)

3:30 – 4:15p | Breakout group discussion

4:15 – 4:30p | Coffee/Tea

4:30 – 5:00p | Report back from breakouts

Day 1 Wrap- Up






Morning Workshop: Partnerships & Scale: Logistics and the Big Picture

09:00- 12:30

In the morning panel, civil society organizations will discuss the challenges to creating effective partnerships, including balancing risks and costs. Effective models of partnerships will be presented along with some lessons learned from less successful endeavors. The organizations will also discuss the pathways for collaboration to best lead to large-scale impact. Breakout groups of various stakeholder will then work to develop concrete action plans to solve a specific problem. They will identify the key people to involve and make decisions, the questions and obstacles that remain, and a plan to overcome those obstacles. They will outline what a realistic partnership would look like, and how this would lead to better decision making, and how this could be scaled up to the national and international level. Each group will report back and present their plans.

9:00 – 10:00a | Panel discussion – MODERATOR: Karl Peet – Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)

10:00 – 10:15a | Coffee/Tea

10:15 – 11:30a | Breakout group discussion

11:30 – 12:15p | Report back from breakouts



Afternoon Discussion: A Path Forward


In the afternoon panel, representatives from each sector will report back on their ideas and takeaways from the Symposium. Finally, in the closing remarks, the discussion will be summarized including practical next steps for moving the ideas discussed beyond the room and into practice.

1:30 – 2:30p Panel discussion – MODERATOR: Aimee Gauthier (ITDP)   

2:30 – 3:00p | Closing remarks – Heather Thompson (ITDP)

Closing Remarks





 Confirmed: (as of 4/14)

Mr. Sal Akhter, Strategist, StreetLight Data
Mr. Oskar Allerbo, Research Engineer, Chalmers University of Technology
Mr. Terry Bills, Global Transportation Industry Manager, Esri
Mr. Noah Budnick, Director of Public Policy & Government Affairs, Zendrive
Dr. Chris Busch, Director of Research, Energy Innovation
Mr. Jacob Byamukama, Deputy Director Roads Management, KCCA (Kampala, Uganda)
Ms. Emily Castor, Director of Transportation Policy, Lyft
Ms. Erin Cooper, Research Associate, WRI
Ms. Mariko Davidson, Civic Innovation & Partnerships Strategist, Microsoft
Ms. Amanda Eaken, Director, Transportation & Climate, NRDC
Mr. Ali Farzaneh Far, Computer Scientist, OPAL (Open Algorithms)
Ms. Aimee Gauthier, Director of Global Programs, ITDP
Mr. Eric Goldwyn, Postdoctoral Fellow, Marron Institute
Mr. Miguel Gonzalez, Data Scientist, Flowminder
Mr. Paulo Humanes, Director of Global Strategic Business Development, PTV
Mr. Darton Ito, Deputy Director of Innovation, San Francisco – SFMTA
Mr. David Klein, Norther America Countries Manager, Moovit
Mr. Ryan Klem, Director, Toyota
Ms. Jackie Klopp, Associate Research Scholar, Columbia University
Mr. Lon LaClaire, Director of Transportation, City of Vancouver
Ms. Glaucia Maia, Infrastructure Analyst, Brazil – Ministry of Cities
Mr. Michael Marks, Research Associate, ITDP
Mr. Jacob Mason, Transport Research Manager, ITDP
Mr. Jonathan Matus, CEO, Zendrive
Mr. Scott Mauvais, Director, Technology & Civic Innovation, Microsoft
Mr. Bill Mitchel, Senior Director, World Wide Public Sector, Microsoft
Ms. Laurel Paget-Seekins, Director, Strategic Initiatives, Boston – MBTA
Ms. Margarita Parra, Program Officer, Hewlett Foundation
Mr. Karl Peet, Research Director, Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)
Ms. Mollie Pelon, Technology and City Transportation Fellow, Open Traffic Partnership / NACTO
Ms. Tatiana Peralta-Quiros, Data Analytics & Transport Specialist, World Bank
Dr. Kalai Ramea, Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Davis
Mr. Eugenio Riveroll, CEO, SinTráfico
Mr. Andrew Salzberg, Head of Transportation Policy and Research, Uber
Mr. Laura Schewel, CEO, StreetLight Data
Ms. Deborah Schrimmer, Transportation Partnerships Analyst, Lyft
Mr. Bernardo Serra, Policy Coordinator, ITDP – Brazil
Ms. Diana Sifuentes Munch, Data Scientist, Mexico City – Laboratorio para la Ciudad
Ms. Heather Thompson, President of Board of Directors, ITDP
Ms. Junko Tokuda, National Manager, Social Innovation, Toyota Motor North America
Mr. Vilhelm Verendel, Researcher, Chalmers University of Technology
Ms. Sarah Williams, Assistant Professor, MIT
Mr. Steve Winkelman, Founder, Green Resilience Strategies
Dr. Sonia Yeh, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology
Ms. Madeline Zhu, Head of Communications, WhereIsMyTransport


Mr. Geoffrey Canright , Vice President, Nortel
Mr. Pierpaolo Cazzola, Senior Energy and Transport Analyst, IEA
Ms. Jamie Dean, Program Director, 11th Hour Project
Mr. Lewis Djikstra, Deputy Head of the Economic Analysis Unit, European Commission
Mr. Marc Donner, Head of Site Reliability Engineering, Uber
Mr. Sebastian Ebert, Transport Economist, GIZ – Brazil
Ms. Molly Jackman, ‎Public Policy Research Manager, Facebook
Ms. Astri Kimbel, Senior Policy Counsel, Google
Mr. James Patava, ‎Innovative Communications Leader, WCCD
Mr. Jerome Pourbaix, Director Regional Offices & Services, UITP
Mr. Harvey Scorcia, Urban Transport Specialist, CAF
Ms. Mary Skelton-Roberts, Senior Program Officer for Climate, Barr Foundation
Mr. Tom Tarantino, Public Policy Manager, Twitter


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