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[/panel][WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility
January 14, 2019
Wednesday, January 30, 2019 12pm EST Webinar Recording More on the Indicators Indicators for Sustainable Mobility Presentation As Climate Change Escalates, US Cities Fail to Provide Car Alternatives About the Webinar As cities seek to improve their transportation systems to make them more sustainable, equitable, and useful for people, it is critical that they first understand how their system performs. To that ...Read MoreITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson
September 19, 2018
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Heather Thompson as our new chief executive officer. Ms. Thompson, who has been serving in the role of interim CEO since February, was selected by the ITDP board of directors after an extensive, international search. Her transition to permanent CEO is ongoing, and will be effective October ...Read MoreBus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years
November 17, 2014
Bus rapid transit has grown by 383 percent in the last ten years, according to new data released by ITDP. As cities around the world discover the benefits and cost effectiveness of BRT, they have built hundreds of systems across dozens of countries that qualify as true BRT. A new interactive map shows a comprehesive ...Read MoreITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit
September 17, 2014
As world leaders gather for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Summit on September 23rd, ITDP and the University of California, Davis, have released a new report on the impact of transportation emissions on our climate future. According to the new study, more than USD$100 trillion in cumulative public and private spending could be saved, and ...Read MoreHow Lagos Was Transformed, By Fashola
June 8, 2009
The implementation of the innovative Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lite System that ferries passengers in high-capacity buses on dedicated bus lanes has been a major accomplishment within the past couple of two years, Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola, has said. He disclosed a week ago at Aluasa at a media session that the BRT scheme, ...Read MoreBusway Project Moves Forward Despite Service Flaws in Jakarta
June 8, 2009
Jakarta is moving forward with its Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project, which includes the Transjakarta busway, although many reforms are still needed to ease congestion in the city, transportation experts said in a recent workshop. Experts from the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) said more comprehensive reforms were needed to give Jakarta a better ...Read MoreBus Rapid Transit: A Cost-Effective Mass Transit Technology
June 8, 2009
This article appears in the June 2009 issue of EM Magazine, a publication of the Air & Waste Management Association. Some of the most important technical innovations in the transportation field have nothing to do with vehicle technology or alternative fuels. Rather, they involve the way bus services are operated and infrastructure is used to optimize their speed, ...Read MoreBudaya Bertransportasi Warga Harus Diubah [in Indonesian]
June 6, 2009
Hal itu diungkap peneliti dan pemerhati transportasi dari Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) Harya Setyaka dan Tory Damantoro dalam Lokakarya Wartawan tentang bus rapid transit (BRT) yang diselenggarakan ITDP Pecenongan, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (5/6) siang. Terkait dengan pembangunan sistem angkutan umum massal cepat berbasis bus atau BRT, Harya mengatakan, warga kota, sebagai pengguna layanan ...Read MoreMasyarakat Kian Gemar Gunakan Busway [in Indonesian]
June 5, 2009
Minat masyarakat Jakarta menggunakan angkutan massal cepat bus Trans Jakarta (busway) cenderung meningkat, kata Harya Setyaka S. Dillon, spesialis transportasi dari Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP). Pada Januari 2009 jumlah penumpang 230 ribu orang per hari dan pada Mei 2009 meningkat menjadi sekitar 245 ribu orang per hari, katanya di Jakarta, Jumat (05/6). Ia mengatakan, ...Read MoreMinat Masyarakat Gunakan Busway Meningkat [in Indonesian]
June 5, 2009
Minat masyarakat Jakarta menggunakan angkutan massal cepat bus TransJakarta (busway) cenderung meningkat, kata Harya Setyaka S. Dillon, spesialis transportasi dari Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP). “Pada Januari 2009 jumlah penumpang 230 ribu orang per hari dan pada Mei 2009 meningkat menjadi sekitar 245 ribu orang per hari,” katanya di Jakarta, Jumat (5/6). Ia mengatakan, hal ...Read MoreTaking a SAMBA Down Rio’s New Bikeways
June 2, 2009
Access to some of the world’s most picturesque bikeways gets a boost as Rio de Janeiro expands its bicycle network with new shared use lanes for cyclists. These changes come just months after the city launched a pilot public bike sharing scheme known as SAMBA – Solução Alternativa Para mobilidade por Bicicletas de Aluguel, which roughly ...Read MoreColombia’s Transmilenio: Bus Rapid Transit
May 29, 2009
NEW YORK, NY May 29, 2009 —If you haven’t noticed, New York City is in the midst of re-thinking its street space. One person who’s been influential in articulating the philosophy behind those changes is the former mayor of Bogota, Colombia—- Enrique Penalosa. WNYC’s Andrea Bernstein recently sat down with Penalosa, who brought-the Transmilleneo system ...Read MoreCleveland’s Bus Rapid Transit
May 28, 2009
NEW YORK, NY May 28, 2009 —As American cities increasingly look to expand their transit options but keep costs low, many planners are looking at Bus Rapid Transit, or BRT. The city of Cleveland, Ohio, launched a BRT called the Health Line, about six months ago…with two promises. The first: better, more efficient public ...Read MoreSustainable Transportation System Needed in Jakarta
May 27, 2009
Paralyzing traffic jams and severe air pollution are the most frequent answers when people are asked what they know about Jakarta. Motorized vehicle ownerships increase in line with a rise in income per capita. The more raises, the more cars and motorcycles are on roads. Motorized vehicle ownership is growing at 9 percent every year, with ...Read More