ITDP Infographics are posters, renderings, and visualizations of key concepts in sustainable transportation, or specific projects.


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  • [WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility

    [WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility
    Wednesday, January 30, 2019 12pm EST Webinar Recording   More on the Indicators Indicators for Sustainable Mobility Presentation As Climate Change Escalates, US Cities Fail to Provide Car Alternatives   About the Webinar As cities seek to improve their transportation systems to make them more sustainable, equitable, and useful for people, it is critical that they first understand how their system performs.  To that ...
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  • ITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson

    ITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson
    We are pleased to announce the appointment of Heather Thompson as our new chief executive officer. Ms. Thompson, who has been serving in the role of interim CEO since February, was selected by the ITDP board of directors after an extensive, international search. Her transition to permanent CEO is ongoing, and will be effective October ...
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  • Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years

    Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years
    Bus rapid transit has grown by 383 percent in the last ten years, according to new data released by ITDP. As cities around the world discover the benefits and cost effectiveness of BRT, they have built hundreds of systems across dozens of countries that qualify as true BRT. A new interactive map shows a comprehesive ...
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  • ITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit

    ITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit
    As world leaders gather for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Summit on September 23rd, ITDP and the University of California, Davis, have released a new report on the impact of transportation emissions on our climate future. According to the new study, more than USD$100 trillion in cumulative public and private spending could be saved, and ...
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  • United States Finds Alternative to Middle Eastern Oil

    In the May/June 2002 Sustainable Transport e-Update, ITDP reported that U.S. congressional representatives—particularly those who receive campaign dollars from Big Oil and the automobile and highway lobbies—voted against raising vehicle fuel efficiency standards. The standards would have helped wean the U.S. off its increasingly expensive oil habit. Now that the Middle East is more flammable ...
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  • Meanwhile, England Plans to Build Roads and Cut Rail

    The Strategic Rail Authority, which oversees Britain’s private passenger rail franchises, has asked contractors to submit budgets assuming a 20 percent cut in government contributions. The funding reduction would stop plans for service improvements and could lead to large service reductions and a fare increase. Service cuts could come as early as next spring, just ...
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  • ‘Catalyst for Change’ or Green Wash?: NGOs Respond to Mobility 2001 Report

    The million-dollar Mobility 2001 study mostly covers familiar territory. While not as biased as one would expect given its sponsors, it generalizes too much from US experience. It also lacks insights into the very subjects these corporations should be strongest, such as projections for future oil reserves, and trends in cleaner vehicle technology development. As ...
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  • Neither Reason Nor Snipers Can Stop It: The Trans-Israel Highway Lurches Forward

    When local snipers targeted construction workers, the government decided to build a bulletproof wall to protect cars from bullets. (Last November, the government had to use considerable force to move some 400 Palestinian demonstrators who protested against their land been taken for road construction.) Further eroding potential ridership are delays in the lateral connecting roads ...
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  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Issues New Property Policy

    For the full policy and their summary of public comments, please see: The final Property Policy accepted certain changes suggested by ITDP and CEE Bankwatch. These include an increased focus on brownfield redevelopment and corporate governance, agreeing to have the Environmental Appraisal Unit review the current environmental protocols to be used when doing due diligence on ...
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  • Riding for the Return of Manila’s Fireflies

    This year’s tour was the biggest so far since it started in 1999. There were a total of around 700 registered riders, and about 2000 riders in total. This can be attributed to an unprecedented media blitz in print and television through partnerships with The Philippine Daily Inquirer and Bantay Kalikasan. Other sponsors that helped in ...
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  • Quito Paves Over Good Intentions

    Included in this vision are the following components: Restructure the road network to provide better access to key destinations and to facilitate the passing of traffic outside of central urban zones. Improve the public transport sector by implementing transit corridors that feature exclusive bus lanes. Create disincentives to private vehicle use by introducing restrictions through traffic management techniques, ...
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  • Will The ‘Segundo Piso’ Crumble Under Its Own Weight?

    The likely outcome of more road construction is all too often repeated with all too familiar results. The new roadways quickly fill up with induced traffic, while public transport is left in more traffic with less available investment for improvement. Because only 20% of Mexico City residents use private automobiles, the huge price tag of ...
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  • Segway Corp. Stalks Pedestrians

    At the federal level, thanks to effective lobbying from the corporation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has deemed the Segway equal to a motorized wheelchair and would ostensibly operate free of regulation. While Federal law as it stands does not allow the Segway to be used on federally funded sidewalks and bike paths, on April ...
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  • The Highway To Inequality: The Citizens of Santiago Fight the ‘Costanera Norte’

    According to Ciudad Viva (Living City), a local non-governmental organisation formed from the original anti-highway coalition, “the communities succeeded in saving a good part of the neighbourhoods that would have been destroyed, but now the entire city is touched by the damage to its river.” Chile’s new environmental legislation requires that the project undergo an Environmental ...
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