Walk21 Kigali – Action for Walking – The Affordable and Essential Steps to Improve Walkability
16-19 October 2023 | Kigali, Rwanda
The 23rd International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities will be hosted by the University of Rwanda, in partnership with the City of Kigali, UNEP and Walk21 Foundation. Representatives from ITDP offices around the globe will be present and speaking on the following panels:
- P1.2 Youth and Road Safety
- Tuesday, October 17 | 11am-12:30pm
- ITDP Speakers: Iwona Alfred & Nora Pena (ITDP Global)
- Topic: Action for Walking – The Affordable and Essential Steps to Improve Walkability
- Pecha Kuchas 1
- Tuesday, October 17 | 4pm-5:30pm
- ITDP Speakers: Aangi Shah (ITDP India)
- Topic: Freedom2WalkCycle&Run Campaign for city leaders and citizens
- Plenary Session 3
- Wednesday, October 18th | 9am-10:30 am
- ITDP Speakers: Gashaw Aberra (ITDP Africa)
- Topic: Rwanda national street design manual
- P3.1 Advocacy for Walking
- Wednesday, October 18th | 11am-12:30pm
- ITDP Speakers: Siddhartha Godbole (ITDP India)
- Topic: Filling the Gaps – A Case of Pune’s Streets Usability Investigation