Michael Replogle, Emeritus

Founder, ITDP & Former Deputy Commissioner for Policy, NYC DOT


Michael Replogle founded ITDP and has served as President, Managing Director for Policy, and now as Senior Advisor, focused on US policy.  He co-organized the Bikes Not Bombs Campaign which sent 10,000 bikes to Nicaraguan teachers and health workers in the 1980s. As ITDP’s board chair, he helped the organization become a catalytic player advancing Bus Rapid Transit, bike-sharing systems, traffic safety, compact transit-oriented development initiatives, and other policy reforms world-wide. He has advised many senior national and city government officials in China, Mexico, Indonesia, the US, and Brazil. As co-founder and chair of the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport, he fostered and monitored a $175 billion 10-year commitment for more sustainable transport from multilateral banks and campaigned to mainstream sustainable transport in global climate and sustainable development policy.

As New York City Deputy Transportation Commissioner from 2015-2021, Replogle shaped expansion of CitiBike to 40,000 shared bicycles. He accepted the International Transport Forum’s Global Award for Vision Zero policies he managed, which cut traffic deaths by 25% and pedestrian deaths by 40% in 4 years. His design of New York’s Open Restaurants program in weeks turned 10,000 parking spaces into outdoor cafes, saving 100,000 jobs during Covid. He helped secure 500 additional protected bike-lane-miles and 100 miles of Open Streets. He oversaw start-up of successful programs for electric vehicle charging, car- and scooter-sharing, and e-cargo delivery. He directed key elements of City engagement in congestion pricing, climate and resilience, air quality, parking and freight, asset management, inclusive transport, intelligent transportation, federal policy and grants, and MTA and Port Authority relations.

As Transportation Director for the Environmental Defense Fund, from 1991-2008, Replogle shaped transportation and environmental laws and advised governments on city planning, transport management and finance, and air quality/environmental analysis, working in dozens of cities across the U.S. and the world.

In the 1980s, Replogle also oversaw comprehensive planning, travel forecasting, and growth management for Montgomery County, Maryland. He holds undergraduate civil engineering and sociology degrees and an MSE in civil and urban engineering from the University of Pennsylvania. He has held faculty appointments at New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service and the China Academy of Transportation Sciences. Replogle currently serves on the EPA Mobile Source Technical Review Subcommittee of the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee. 


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