Compact Cities Electrified – A Love Story


People often say all we need is love. And with love, we can achieve a more equitable, healthier, safer and smarter future for us all. So, this is the story of Electrification and Compact Cities. Each is doing their best for the world, but it is not enough to keep climate change below 1.5°C. A connection is missing…

What happens when two impressive forces meet? When Electrification and Mode Shift come together, something truly magical occurs. Together, they can expedite the transition to cleaner, climate-smart cities — the ultimate “Power Couple”. Compact cities where cleaner buses attract more riders and cleaner, quieter cars and trucks make life more pleasant.

Their love story means fewer CO2 emissions. Their love story means a more equitable life for people in cities. Their love is infectious, creating ripple effects worldwide. Electric vehicles save money since they are cheaper to operate and maintain. More compact cities require less travel and infrastructure, saving money that can be invested in housing, education, or healthcare.

As in any loving relationship, if one partner has challenges, the other can also provide support. So if we miss carbon targets with one strategy, the other can absorb the responsibility for emissions reductions. A solid relationship is built upon mutual support and goals. Climate change is more visible now than ever. We need to plan for the greatest resiliency in the face of this growing crisis.

ITDP and other mobility organizations advocate for this dual policy approach of Compact Cities and Electrification — the “Love Story” of Compact Cities Electrified. Let us make sure that global decision-makers, leaders, and funders work to spread the love by building compact cities electrified all over the world. 


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