December 01, 2021

The Compact City Scenario – Electrified



Press Materials


Full Report


Report Briefs (EN, ES)


Press Release







Additional Materials




Heather Thompson (she/her/hers pronouns) is the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. She has been involved with ITDP for more than a dozen years, including serving on ITDP’s Board of Directors with two years as Chair. Throughout her career, Ms. Thompson has worked with the environmental non-profit sector to design and carry out strategies with large-scale impact. Language: English


Taylor Reich (they/them/their pronouns) is a research associate at ITDP and the lead author of the “Compact City Scenario–Electrified” report. Their work is in metrics and indicators, improving tools to help us better understand the cities we live in. They are especially interested in the intersection of mobility and land use. Taylor holds an Sc.B. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Brown University. Language: English


Verónica Ortiz Cisneros (she/her/hers pronouns) is the communications director at ITDP. Verónica is responsible for developing communication strategies and alliances that promote ITDP´s initiatives around the world. She has a degree in Communication Studies and twenty years of experience in both broadcasting and public relations. Languages: Español, English


About ITDP


A Global Organization at the Forefront of Innovation


ITDP is a global organization at the forefront of innovation, using technical expertise, direct advocacy, and policy guidance to mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve air quality, and support prosperous, sustainable, and equitable cities. We have worked with over 100 cities in more than 40 nations to design and implement transport and urban development systems and policy solutions that make cities more viable, fair, and livable.


Today, ITDP works in all types of cities on five continents, with offices in China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico and the United States. Our teams include architects, urban planners, leading transport experts, cycling activists, developers, data scientists, and policy specialists working directly with local governments to make visible, on-the-ground improvements. Our extensive resources for cities, planners, policymakers, and activists include technical reports, guides, standards, videos, infographics, and white papers on everything from bus rapid transit to e-scooter policies.



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