June 29, 2016

Introducing CECI, an Online Tool for the Equitable and Inclusive City

ITDP México, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development (SEDATU), and the British Embassy in Mexico, recently launched Ciudad Equitativa Ciudad Inclusiva (CECI), an online tool that trains authorities on sustainable mobility strategies. More specifically, CECI, translating to Equitable City Inclusive City, is an online platform that allows local stakeholders in Mexico to design, implement, and evaluate sustainable mobility projects using two principal tools: training materials and a cost calculator to facilitate the implementation of projects.

IMG_9055CECI’s main objective is to expand on traditional workshops and seminars that the federal and local authorities have previously participated in. In order to explore these traditional forums in more depth, CECI is split into five different areas: Complete Streets, Integrated Transport Systems, Transit-oriented development, Travel Development Management, and Urban Cargo Distribution. In conjunction with these areas, CECI offers a set of innovative tools that Mexican cities can use as daily references. These tools include training materials such as practical guidelines, basic learning webinars, and a new calculator, jointly programmed with SEDATU, that helps calculate public contracting costs. The principles earmarked in CECI are gender inclusion, security, sustainability, mobility, accessibility, and community partnerships. These principles will guide the project implementation of SEDATU’s National Infrastructure Program.

Local and federal authorities have been very enthusiastic about using CECI as a tool for capacity building within their technical urban planning and mobility teams. Since its online launch on June 22nd, CECI holds more than 600 active users including people from Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina, and Peru. For a closer look at the online tool, visit the CECI website (in Spanish).


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