We are proud to announce the appointments of former Santiago mayor Carolina Tohà and transport and social justice champion Rehana Moosajee to the ITDP board of directors, as well as the election of longtime sustainable transport advocate Paul Steely White as chair.

Carolina Tohà served as Mayor of Santiago, Chile from 2012-2016, and is currently the head of the civil society organization Fundación Instituto Ciudad. During her term as mayor, she succeeded in implementing Santiago’s Sustainable Comprehensive Mobility Policy, prioritizing public transport, improving pedestrian spaces, and creating high quality cycling infrastructure, making the historic downtown area vibrant and people-friendly. Tohá is active in the international development community, having acted as Co-Chair of the High Level Advisor Group on Sustainable Transport, convened by the ex-United Nations General Secretary, Ban Ki-moon. “The way we manage our streets says everything about what we value in society,’’ says Tohà, “I share ITDP’s commitment to sustainable transportation, and I’m delighted to join the board of directors to help further it.”

Rehana Moosajee is former Councilor for the City of Johannesburg, South Africa and the founder of The Barefoot Facilitator. She has long been a strong advocate for social justice in transport. Under her stewardship, the city of Johannesburg implemented Africa’s first bus rapid transit system, Rea Vaya. “I’m honored to join the board of this organization I’ve been working with for many years, that has been such a catalyzing force for equity and access,” said Moosajee, “I look forward to working with ITDP to make transport systems, and cities, more accessible and equitable.”

Paul Steely White, who recently became director of safety and advocacy at Bird, has been both an ITDP board member and director of Transportation Alternatives for 15 years. “Paul has a long history with, and deep understanding of ITDP, and has been at the vanguard of so many of the positive changes on New York City’s streets, from Citi Bike to car-free Central and Prospect Parks to Vision Zero,” says ITDP Board member Ellen Lou, Director of Urban Design and Planning at Skidmore, Owings & Merrell, “the board welcomes his leadership and I look forward to working with him to replicate successes in cities worldwide.”
“All three of these leaders have been at the forefront of sustainable transport transformations in their cities,” says Philipp Rode, ITDP board member and executive director of LSE Cities. “Carolina and Rehana bring incredible expertise that will help us shape ITDP’s work going forward. Their successes in getting transport projects implemented will go a long way toward furthering ITDP’s mission to replicate best practices in sustainable transport around the world.”