August 06, 2012

Transport Emissions Evaluation Model for Projects (TEEMP)

TEEMP is a suite of excel-based, free-of-charge, suite of spreadsheet models and methods that can be used to evaluate the greenhouse gas (GHG), air pollution, and other impacts of many types of transportation projects.

Download the Model
Source: CAI-Asia and ITDP
Last updated: April 2015

Download the Manual
Source: CAI-Asia and ITDP

Download the Revision Memo
Source: CAI-Asia and ITDP
Published: April 2015

The TEEMP tools were initially developed by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) and Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) for evaluating the emissions impacts of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) transport projects. TEEMP has been modified and extended to serve as a standard method to evaluate Global Environmental Facility (GEF) projects.

The most recent release of TEEMP incorporates the new BRT Standard to help users identify the most effective elements of BRT project design to spur ridership, boost travel speeds, and cut emissions. It can also be used for basic analysis where there are major gaps in local data, but also can help identify key local data that could help provide more accurate project forecasts of ridership, emissions, and benefits.

TEEMP can be easily applied for evaluating the impacts of various transport measures at a project level. Project-level TEEMP models exist for BRT, bicycle, pedestrian, MRT, and highway projects, as well as travel demand management measures. In 2011, a new module, TEEMP-City, was developed by CAI-Asia, with support from ITDP and Veolia Transport, to quantify emissions and other impacts from various projects at the city-wide scale.

The “Transport Emissions Evaluation Models for Projects” (TEEMP) modeling tool suite, has been developed over the past two years by ITDP, the CAI-Asia, ADB, Cambridge Systematics, and the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the GEF. TEEMP has been applied to ADB projects, ITDP projects, and six World Bank projects.


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