January 14, 2009

NYC Wins Transit Award

NEW YORK, NY January 14, 2009 —New York has become the first U.S. city to win an international sustainable transit award. WNYC’s Andrea Bernstein has more.

REPORTER: Despite failing in its signature transportation initiative this year –- congestion pricing -– New York City beat out Mexico City and Istanbul. The Institute for Transportation Development Policy cited New York for converting 49 acres of roadway to pedestrian space this year, and increasing bike commuting by 35 percent.

The city’s Transportation chief Jeannette Sadik-Kahn says these initiatives will continue, despite tough budget times.

SADIK-KHAN: The types of changes we’re making don’t require a lot of money. We’re hoping the capitol program dollars will follow, but right now we’re doing a lot just by striping the streets of new York differently.

REPORTER: Sadik-Kahn said plans for this year include converting more of Broadway to pedestrian space. She said the city is also exploring a Paris-style bike-sharing program.

For WNYC, I’m Andrea Bernstein.

Listen to the original broadcast, click on the link below:
NYC Wins Transit Award


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